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Leadership Crisis - "Solutions 1"

There are many set-backs for a good leadership to be positioned which comes naturally. "Making good decisions" is one of the crisis among leadership. On what basis the decisions are made, or what contributes to a decision is important.

If leaders make decisions of their own, how far it can be a wise decision, competency and tactics to handle crisis will be displayed on the outcome of decisions. It doesn't come easy though, a thorough self-analysis of the results that will impact those aroud him/her has to be thought well.

A bad decision made will always have a bad impact on such leaders. So how and what can be considered to display leadership competency in a business or in an organisation for making a good decision is always a question that leaders struggle when a crisis hits them.

Sometimes, reading an article or a book, having a personal coach, consulting with experts, having an accountability partner outside his/her office can contribute well towards a good and a wise decision-making. Wise decision always creates an impact on leader and on his team.

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